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Sash Business Management | Facilitators
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Dr. Isaac Abe

Dr. Isaac Abe is the Managing Partner (Training and Consulting) at Sash Business Management. He holds a PhD in Leadership studies from the University Of Kwa Zulu Natal (UKZN) as well as an MBA (Financial Management) from the Ahmadu Bello University Nigeria. He lectured various Business and Leadership modules in the UKZN. Isaac has held various management positions in the banking industry. As an accomplished scholar, he has published articles in peer-reviewed journals. He is an accredited counselor and facilitator. Dr. Abe helps people to discover the counselor in them.

Dr. Ethel Abe

Dr. Ethel Abe Holds a PhD in Management and Entrepreneurship from the UKZN and a Master of Business Administration degree (Marketing & Management) from the Ahmadu Bello University Nigeria. Ethel is a corporate strategist, an entrepreneur and an expert in work-life balance strategies. She lectured Services Marketing, Business to Business Marketing, Corporate strategies and Entrepreneurship for the UKZN. Dr. Abe has published several articles in peer-reviewed academic journals. She brings into her consulting practice, wealth of experience from the private and public sectors. She is an accredited counselor, moderator, assessor and facilitator. Dr. Ethel Abe co-founded Sash Business Management in 2009.